2014 m. rugpjūčio 25 d., pirmadienis

Professional AdxBlue emulators (AdxBlue disabling devices)

Professional AdxBlue emulators (AdxBlue disabling devices)

Unique, and professional AdxBlue (SCR) emulators for MERCEDES BENZ trucks and other transport.

Generation 2 Adxblue disable solution is ready. A photo of ver.2 Adxblue disable box is below. 

Generation II Adxblue disable solution gives you an easy plug-in connect opportunity, and ability to disassemble (remove) any Adxblue component or whole Adxblue system complete.
It is possible to disable Adxblue system by installing an extra box (programmable device) into the vehicle. You can switch it on/off anytime.

If you want to reduce the consumption of Adxblue in your trucks or even completely disable it’s function, best solution is to install Adxblue disable emulator. We recommend Generation II.
The benefits of this are that you can reduce the consumption of Adxblue, which makes using genuine Adxblue far more affordable, or simply remove the whole system completely.
This process will not leave any traces of inactive Adxblue system.

Adxblue disable boxes are programmable devices. We supply you with software and cable to set it working correctly with exact model of truck. Wholesalers can obtain an automatic programming device and software to perform programming for customers.
It's a 1-minute job to program the Adxblue-off box, and 30-60 minute job to install the Adxblue-off box on a truck.
We supply you with full instructions and support regarding disabling Adxblue system with our solution.

We ship Adxblue disabling devices worldwide.
Retail prices:
- Generation II Mercedes (HILITE pump): 900EUR/pcs

- For wholesale prices, please contacts us on info@galingas.lt or +370 608 14443.

According to quantities, we are flexible with discounts to our partners: dealers, truck repair workshops, truck sale companies, etc.

Please note, that officially the Adxblue-off device officially can be used in countries, where emission standards are not valid. 
You use the Adxblue emulators at your own risk regarding its legality in your area.

For more information, please contact us via our website form:
